Nazis have been flirting with eastern religions and the occult from the start, there was even an SS excursion to the Tibet in the late 30s. Seems to me that the contradiction is not as stark as you make it out to be.
The really ironic thing to me is that Brian Ruhe is a more sincere Buddhist, and more virtuous, than the people freaking out at him and spitting on him in the street. He takes nonviolence very seriously, and does not condone it. It is true that he is a "Nazi," but he denies the holocaust and considers all the negative press on Hitler et al. to be nothing more than vicious propaganda. I think he's wrong on that, but he is sincere in his Buddhism, unlike many of the lefties who profess Buddhism but distort it almost beyond any recognition to make it harmonious with their political indoctrination.
One reason why the "far right" (which to lefties even includes classical liberals at this point) are attracted to Buddhism is that they want an authentic Indo-European spiritual system that does not worship a deified Jewish person. Even setting aside any antisemitism, that is understandable, as Rome's equivalent to the "progressive left" (as though decline and fall were progress) was just as intolerant of dissent and about as hysterical as the postmodern, more Marxist version.
As clever as the author of this piece attempts to appear it is quite startling when the entire premise is 'nazi buddhism' and yet makes not a single reference to Savitri Devi. With regards your own reference to 'a deified Jewish person' I presume you mean Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who incidentally was NOT a Jew nor indeed came from Jewish lineage.
Really? Jesus was not a Jew? That's certainly not what the NT says. In fact the authors of two of the Gospels went to some trouble to demonstrate that he was indeed a descendent of King David, since of course the OT prophecies clearly show that the Messiah had to be a branch of David. Also he clearly encouraged his followers to obey Mosaic law, not "one jot or tittle" of it to be ignored, and was called "Rabbi" in the Gospels. So if you are some kind of right-winger (and I have no problem with that at all), it may be that you really don't like the idea of Jesus of Nazareth being Jewish, but the evidence is pretty obvious that he was.
You do know that 'jews' did not exist until the word was invented in the 18th century? 'jew' is an all encompassing word for one who was from Judeah. The word 'jew' is specific to those who were the Edomites. And Jesus, as were all the Apostles (except Judas) was a Galilean.
You should check out one so called Zen teacher, calling himself Daiho Roshi. He often directly cites and uses as support white supremacists and outright neo Nazis, has approved the authorization as a teacher of a white supremacist and yet pretends that he's somehow an engaged Buddhist. His whole lineage is shady of course, with those with little to no training being declared as teachers. This includes one well known fraudster from the UK, through one of Daiho's successors, a guy calling himself Shoji Roshi, who has been found to be such in court by a judge no less, and who pretends that he's also a Zen teacher in some obscure Vietnamese lineage. When students have objected to the fascist warping of Dharma and charlatans being declared as authorized Buddhist teachers, they have been personally attacked as mentally ill and dishonest. It's a wonder that such groups haven't been sued already, let alone designated as the hate groups and cults that they are.
Edit: I have since been informed by someone investigating this group - Clear Mind Zen - that the fraudster and fake teacher isn't Shoji Roshi, but Timothy Langdell who, small mercy, isn't a neo Nazi. Shoji Roshi is another teacher in the group.
Sokushinbutsu, or "a Buddha in this very body," refers to an esoteric technique practiced primarily by the Shingon Buddhist monks in medieval Japan. The devout ascetics underwent a strict dietary regimen called Mokujikigyo, or "eating the forest": they consumed very few calories and supplemented their diets with pine needles, seeds, nuts, pebbles, and tea made from the sap of the Urushi plant - a toxic substance that prevented bodily decomposition. This excruciating ordeal spanned several years and resulted in drastic bodily emaciation. Upon its culmination, the monk was locked inside a tomb outfitted with an air tube and a bell on the outside. The interred monk chanted in a cross-legged position and continuously tugged on the string attached to the bell outside. The ceased ringing notified other monks that the interred monk had died; consequently, they sealed the tomb and left it undisturbed for a certain period of time. Under ideal conditions, the body was preserved; the austerities performed by the ascetic prevented any decomposition that would have otherwise set in. Eventually, the mummy was ceremoniously disinterred; and if found in an undisturbed and intact state, became venerated as a holy object embodying Buddha-nature. Sokushinbutsu was banned during the Meiji restoration, as it was deemed too barbarous.
The AntiSemitic Book in World History is the Bible. Why do I say this when the Public will think this is Ludicrous? Because it's Blood Atonement that is Ludicrous. Abraham never Practiced Blood Atonement which Means that Abraham never Offered his Son for Sacrifice and that Abraham never Offered an Animal for Sacrifice. This is Because the Blood of Another will Never Atone for Our Sins. We pay the Sin Debt that we Create in our Incarnations of Consequences for the Good and the Evil that we have Done which Means that if the Public Understood this, they would Seek to be Good. This doesn't Mean that there is No Such Thing as True Scripture. There is. There will be a Restoration of True Scripture and this might be After a Finding on the Dark Side of the Moon if Elijah left the World a True Cannon so that the Discovery would Not Be Easy to Dismiss.
Because they're not Buddhists. They're against what the Dharma teaches. These are Nazis and will be treated accordingly. This includes those who enable them with sock puppet accounts by the way.
What's new? The majority of religious people are harmless and decent. Most ignore or rationalise away any harmful parts of their religious text. But every single religion has its right wing nutters. There are even a few practicising Jews who want to genocide the Palestinians....Most humans are naturally decent.. Religion says very little about how decent a person is and is often irrelevant to how decent or wicked they might be.
I support capitalism but it must be controlled.. Those continously pushing carbon fuel and those in political power failing to do enough to curb carbons are the most dangerous. If climate change does not snowball into a dead Earth boiling like an egg in its own atmosphere, it will nevertheless reap havoc. Anyone worried about illegal migration? We haven't seen anything yet...
Nazis have been flirting with eastern religions and the occult from the start, there was even an SS excursion to the Tibet in the late 30s. Seems to me that the contradiction is not as stark as you make it out to be.
So Nazis are just fine people right? Where on earth do you sock puppets come from lol?
The really ironic thing to me is that Brian Ruhe is a more sincere Buddhist, and more virtuous, than the people freaking out at him and spitting on him in the street. He takes nonviolence very seriously, and does not condone it. It is true that he is a "Nazi," but he denies the holocaust and considers all the negative press on Hitler et al. to be nothing more than vicious propaganda. I think he's wrong on that, but he is sincere in his Buddhism, unlike many of the lefties who profess Buddhism but distort it almost beyond any recognition to make it harmonious with their political indoctrination.
One reason why the "far right" (which to lefties even includes classical liberals at this point) are attracted to Buddhism is that they want an authentic Indo-European spiritual system that does not worship a deified Jewish person. Even setting aside any antisemitism, that is understandable, as Rome's equivalent to the "progressive left" (as though decline and fall were progress) was just as intolerant of dissent and about as hysterical as the postmodern, more Marxist version.
Says another outed neo Nazi.
As clever as the author of this piece attempts to appear it is quite startling when the entire premise is 'nazi buddhism' and yet makes not a single reference to Savitri Devi. With regards your own reference to 'a deified Jewish person' I presume you mean Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who incidentally was NOT a Jew nor indeed came from Jewish lineage.
Really? Jesus was not a Jew? That's certainly not what the NT says. In fact the authors of two of the Gospels went to some trouble to demonstrate that he was indeed a descendent of King David, since of course the OT prophecies clearly show that the Messiah had to be a branch of David. Also he clearly encouraged his followers to obey Mosaic law, not "one jot or tittle" of it to be ignored, and was called "Rabbi" in the Gospels. So if you are some kind of right-winger (and I have no problem with that at all), it may be that you really don't like the idea of Jesus of Nazareth being Jewish, but the evidence is pretty obvious that he was.
You do know that 'jews' did not exist until the word was invented in the 18th century? 'jew' is an all encompassing word for one who was from Judeah. The word 'jew' is specific to those who were the Edomites. And Jesus, as were all the Apostles (except Judas) was a Galilean.
You should check out one so called Zen teacher, calling himself Daiho Roshi. He often directly cites and uses as support white supremacists and outright neo Nazis, has approved the authorization as a teacher of a white supremacist and yet pretends that he's somehow an engaged Buddhist. His whole lineage is shady of course, with those with little to no training being declared as teachers. This includes one well known fraudster from the UK, through one of Daiho's successors, a guy calling himself Shoji Roshi, who has been found to be such in court by a judge no less, and who pretends that he's also a Zen teacher in some obscure Vietnamese lineage. When students have objected to the fascist warping of Dharma and charlatans being declared as authorized Buddhist teachers, they have been personally attacked as mentally ill and dishonest. It's a wonder that such groups haven't been sued already, let alone designated as the hate groups and cults that they are.
Edit: I have since been informed by someone investigating this group - Clear Mind Zen - that the fraudster and fake teacher isn't Shoji Roshi, but Timothy Langdell who, small mercy, isn't a neo Nazi. Shoji Roshi is another teacher in the group.
Sokushinbutsu, or "a Buddha in this very body," refers to an esoteric technique practiced primarily by the Shingon Buddhist monks in medieval Japan. The devout ascetics underwent a strict dietary regimen called Mokujikigyo, or "eating the forest": they consumed very few calories and supplemented their diets with pine needles, seeds, nuts, pebbles, and tea made from the sap of the Urushi plant - a toxic substance that prevented bodily decomposition. This excruciating ordeal spanned several years and resulted in drastic bodily emaciation. Upon its culmination, the monk was locked inside a tomb outfitted with an air tube and a bell on the outside. The interred monk chanted in a cross-legged position and continuously tugged on the string attached to the bell outside. The ceased ringing notified other monks that the interred monk had died; consequently, they sealed the tomb and left it undisturbed for a certain period of time. Under ideal conditions, the body was preserved; the austerities performed by the ascetic prevented any decomposition that would have otherwise set in. Eventually, the mummy was ceremoniously disinterred; and if found in an undisturbed and intact state, became venerated as a holy object embodying Buddha-nature. Sokushinbutsu was banned during the Meiji restoration, as it was deemed too barbarous.
The AntiSemitic Book in World History is the Bible. Why do I say this when the Public will think this is Ludicrous? Because it's Blood Atonement that is Ludicrous. Abraham never Practiced Blood Atonement which Means that Abraham never Offered his Son for Sacrifice and that Abraham never Offered an Animal for Sacrifice. This is Because the Blood of Another will Never Atone for Our Sins. We pay the Sin Debt that we Create in our Incarnations of Consequences for the Good and the Evil that we have Done which Means that if the Public Understood this, they would Seek to be Good. This doesn't Mean that there is No Such Thing as True Scripture. There is. There will be a Restoration of True Scripture and this might be After a Finding on the Dark Side of the Moon if Elijah left the World a True Cannon so that the Discovery would Not Be Easy to Dismiss.
Mark Leary Cox (MahdiCain)
We have right ALT Christians.. why not right ALT Buddhists? Or indeed Muslims, Jews, Hindus or Satanists?
Because they're not Buddhists. They're against what the Dharma teaches. These are Nazis and will be treated accordingly. This includes those who enable them with sock puppet accounts by the way.
What's new? The majority of religious people are harmless and decent. Most ignore or rationalise away any harmful parts of their religious text. But every single religion has its right wing nutters. There are even a few practicising Jews who want to genocide the Palestinians....Most humans are naturally decent.. Religion says very little about how decent a person is and is often irrelevant to how decent or wicked they might be.
How are investigations into you and your Nazi, terrorist cronies going? Time you lot ended up in prison , where you belong. You are a disgrace.
Spot another neo Nazi. Does your employer know about you?
I support capitalism but it must be controlled.. Those continously pushing carbon fuel and those in political power failing to do enough to curb carbons are the most dangerous. If climate change does not snowball into a dead Earth boiling like an egg in its own atmosphere, it will nevertheless reap havoc. Anyone worried about illegal migration? We haven't seen anything yet...